Q e B I M

Uncover the Nuances with Our As-Builts

QeBIM holds a team of highly skilled professionals who creates accurate As-Built Plans for all the projects across New Zealand. Our As-Built Services ensures that the final constructed project reflects the original design intent while accommodating any changes or modifications made during the construction process. Our As-Built Documentation is highly-detailed and comprehensive and is generally used by AEC Professionals for future renovations, remodelling, and facility maintenance. These are also used for overall project quality assurance. In all, Our As-Builts serves as a bridge between the conceptualized plans and the tangible reality of the built environment.

Our As-Built Services Suite

As-Built Drawing Services

Our As-Built Drafting Services are quite detailed and reflect the final state of a construction project accurately. These drawings serve as a crucial record of the physical layout, dimensions, and specifications of the completed structure. Here's what all our As-Built Drawing Services contributes:

Documentation of Changes

Our red-line drawings or record drawings document all the changes, deviations, and alterations from the original plans throughout the construction. This guarantees that every stakeholder has a clear idea of the final as-built conditions.

Verification of Compliance

We compare the As-Built Drawings against the original design documents to verify compliance with regulatory requirements, building codes, and client specifications. This verification process helps us to identify any discrepancies and ensures that the project meets all the necessary standards.

Future Maintenance and Renovation

Our As-builts act as valuable reference material for future maintenance, renovations, or expansions. They provide essential insights into the existing structure, thereby facilitating efficient decision-making and planning for future projects.

As-Built Modelling Services

Our As-Built BIM Services involve the curation of the 3D digital models that precisely depicts the final built environment. These models do offer a detailed visualization of the project allowing the stakeholders to assess various aspects like spatial relationships, clash detection, and construction sequencing. Here's what all our As-Built Models contributes:

Visual Representation

Our 3D models provide an illustration of the as-built conditions. This allows stakeholders to explore the project in detail from different perspectives.

Clash Detection

Our As-Built Models helps to identify any conflicts or interferences early in the construction phase. This allows for the timely resolution of them thereby preventing costly rework during the later stages.

Data Integration

We do integrate data from various sources, including survey measurements, construction documentation, as well as BIM data into our models. This integrated approach ensures that the model delivered accurately reflects the physical attributes of the completed project thereby enhancing its usefulness for future analysis.


As-built services should ideally be integrated into the construction process right from the early stages to ensure the comprehensive documentation and modeling of the project's evolution. However, these are particularly crucial during the closeout phase or when the final construction is completed and the detailed records of the as-built conditions need to be generated.

As-builts are generally used for Construction Management, Facility Management, Lease Exhibit, Historical Records, Renovations and Retrofitting, Asset Management, Real Estate Development, Insurance Records, Ownership Transfer, Regulatory Compliance, and Risk Management.


Optimize your Construction Project's Outcomes with Our As-Built Drawing Services

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